The Pleasure Of Reaching Goals In Life

When I start to write my new article usually is because something that happened or is happening in my life is an inspiration to me. Putting my hands on my keyboard is also a way to think about what is my current situation and make some considerations for myself.

These days my attention is on the importance of define some goals and do not take the eyes off that goal until we don’t reach it.

There is a particular pleasure when we achieve something we have set ourselves. It gives us joy. Having a Goal is important, and we have to be determined and accountable to get there.
Being constant gives us the chance to go where we need to go. It could be any goal; everyone has different needs in life. It could be a business goal, something relative to the family, a relationship, a health goal, simply an outcome that is important to us, and if we are going to be successful on that, it will give us that fantastic sensation to have reach the peak.

Having clear in mind what we want is essential. Not what other people want for us.

It’s a crucial step and not always easy to do because sometimes we are conditioned by external events. But still, we have to try and stay focused on what we need in order to feel good.

I used to be the person who was doing many things at the same time, and the result was not always there. After a significant work on myself which is still in progress of course, after also shifting some beliefs and talking to people who helped me while I was making changes in my life, I have discovered how even smallest steps made with perseverance can lead you far away.

Considering some questions and answering to these, could be an excellent way to make clear decisions. For example, what is the right path to follow to achieve our goal? Is it something we can do ourselves or is it something we need some help with? What timeframe is necessary to get our purpose?

Writing down an expiration date will also help us visualize our goal.

When we write down what we are looking for is an excellent step to do, and is better using a positive terminology. For example, if we need to eat better to have a healthier lifestyle, we are going to focus on what we CAN eat instead of what we can’t.

In one of my favorite book the author wrote: “When you don’t know what to do, do something.” I know maybe it doesn’t make any sense to you right now, but the point of this is… keep moving! Even if you don’t know what to do at this precise moment, take action, do something you have in mind, keep things around.

Transformation just comes with action.

An excellent move could be talking about your purposes with other people for instance. I understand this could be difficult especially for an introvert person like me; we have our fears of failures or judgment, but the right attitude is to think positive and eventually, we’ll find among the way someone who could help us. Remember you are doing it for yourself, and good people are still around in this world and can support you. Don’t be afraid of failure, it doesn’t exist. It’s only progress, and we can learn from our experiences and improve.

We are often severe on ourselves; instead, we should have more compassion and not to be judgemental. Sometimes look into the mirror and appreciate where you are, and even tell yourself how good you have been to be here today.

Passion moves everything, don’t ever lose that, it will be the push to go ahead and do more and more. Buddha said “If you focus on the hurt, you will continue to suffer. If you focus on the lesson, you will continue to grow.”

In Good Health!

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